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Weight Loss Program:



In the first  slimming consultation, a careful assessment of the nutritional status is carried out, through a computerized diagnosis Prognos 


- and the specific nutritional and metabolic needs of each person are defined. Before the patient starts the weight loss program.






Anthropometric assessment (BMI, waist circumference e hip, ideal weight calculation)

food anamnesis

Individualized Food Plan

clinical history

Laboratory evaluation (analysis)

drug therapy

dietary prescription

Calculation of nutritional needs

Time schedule for weight loss




Aiming to:



Define the weight loss program according to the evaluation and results of the tests carried out,  analysis, expectations and patient motivation.

To lose weight effectively and definitively, you can count on several programs from stricter diets to lighter adjustment programs.

A normal protein diet, Proteifine, is a good solution and is often instituted for patients who want to lose weight quickly without losing muscle mass.

With weight loss programs, the follow-up is personalized, we teach and help you to overcome difficulties, lack of motivation, to cook, to use healthier foods and habits, in short… to make your dream come true!




need to lose weight in a healthy way, come to us, together we will choose the best program, adjusted to your needs.

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